My song choice: Ellie Goulding - Your biggest mistake Ellie
I have decided to have two main characters, a girl and a boy. These characters both have a quirky style about them. My song choice is Ellie Goulding "Your biggest mistake" and there is a narrative behind the lyrics. The story behind the lyrics is that the boy and girl have very strong feelings for one another however the boy does not know if he wants a relationship, so the girl gets quite down. In my music video I feel like I have to bring this narrative to life.
I have chosen to set my music video half indoors, inside the boys house and then the other half of the video outside on the street and one shot in the girls car. Throughout the first verse I want it to be obvious that they are not happy and that they are arguing about being together, to show that the boy is not clear on what he wants from the girl. In the chorus this is where I may use some lip syncing with the girl singing the lyrics of the song. Throughout the rest of the song the narrative still needs to be highly noticeable however I want it to look quirky and different.
I would like my music video to be in black and white to show that the song is not particularly up-beat it is slow and has a lot of meaning throughout. In the moments in my music video where there is a happy moment which is important then I would like to make these bits into colour to give the music video a better look, I think this will also help the importance of the narrative get across to the audience watching my music video.
The shots that will be used in my music video will vary. I would like to use a pan shot when inside the boys house to set the scene and I would also like to use a zoom shot at the very opening shot so that it looks like I am walking up to the house however then the camera will not be bumping around while I walk because then I do not think it will have the same effect. I intend to use many simple close up shots and two shots, to get both characters in the shot. From the close ups you will see all the facial expressions and see what image they will give off.
Katy Perry - California Gurls/
I have chosen Katy Perry's single California Gurls because this shows a quirky and very different style to the music video. This shown in all of Katy Perrys music videos. This has influenced me to use a different kind of style to my music video to keep the audience attracted.
These print screens below are from Ellie Gouldings music video 'Guns and Horses', I really like this effect of having the video in black and white because I think it gives the music video a sense of something new. I would like to use this in my music video and then in the important parts I would change it to colour.
Here are some print screens of some of the things that I want to be able to have in my music video:

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